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geographical characteristics


The largest land area is located in the Andes Mountains. This relief, consists of two major mountain alignments or branches, which begins and extend from the Badlands and The Black Battalion on the border with the state of Tachira, both separated by a narrow and deep depression, which suggests the influence layout a large geofractura: Pocono failure.


The climate of most of the territory merideño is influenced by the bimodal regime of northwestern Venezuela, characterized by dry and wet season. The temporal distribution of rainfall normally occurs in two distinct periods: the most precipitation occurs in April to June and September to November another. The low rainfall was recorded from December to March and July, August. Variations are significant annual rainfall, observing other wet and dry years. As a singularity bioclimatic to highlight is the pocket semiarid San Juan, Lagunillas and Anise Plains "ecological island" xerophytic vegetation and endemic species, with high biodiversity value.

Different kinds of soils are located on lands of Merida, with significant values ​​for crop and livestock production and forestry plantations. In mountain areas of soils are usually shallow, stony and almost devoid of organic matter. In the mountain valleys agrological increases capacity, but often have internal and surface stoniness and a slightly acidic pH. In the foothills tend to be shallow and predominantly clay-loamy texture. The lake is located south plain soils with higher agro-ecological capacity in large areas and high agricultural potential, one of the largest in the country.


The hydrologic and water balance are positive Merida state. The territory Merida is within the area of ​​influence of two river basins in the north of the Maracaibo Lake and south of the Orinoco River, both are powered by the dense water network that has its source in the mountains to be another potential resource that offers Mérida.

In Mérida is the greatest diversity of life zones of Venezuela, which indicates, that is one of the most varied existing strategic ecosystems, among which it is worth highlighting areas of wasteland, the cloud forest, the dry forest , among others, to make Merida a natural laboratory open to investigation of the basis of ecological sustainability, with many attractions for those who visit, and a territory benefited by climate comfort in a warm tropical country.

Highlights include mammals such as the spectacled bear or eyeglasses (sole representative of bears in South America), the raccoon or opossum gouache Andean and Andean or lighthouse. Birds such as the condor, sword-billed hummingbird, eagle crest and the torrent duck. Amphibians like the frog and the salamander Andean transparent. Among the reptiles can cite the false coral.

Natural Resources
"The environment as a dimension of ecological and socio-territorial and administrative figures protected areas for the conservation of strategic ecosystems, scenic resources and rich flora and fauna, are core values ​​of sustainable development, which should be prominent in the agenda priorities Mérida.
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